Your humble narrator is the worst at updating blog posts...

But she’s been hard at work! Oh yes she has. She has been designing the latest in devlish fashion, writing new music, planning gigs, kissing Haylee G’s ass. It was all very secretive for a while, while we’ve been pouring all our energy into all the background crap. But now I think it’s time to let you in on a thing or two:





Get all the essential Devils in Skirts gear here. You can be devil too, if you give us enough money…



Well. Relatively new…what do you mean he’s been in the band for over a year?




Join us for the launch of our new album “Geein’ it Laldy” at the Voodoo Rooms, Edinburgh on Halloween night! Event info can be found above!


Hayley G and Katy got married last year! Cute!

Well, that’s all for now! Back to my super secret lair…until next time…

Peace, love and empathy,

Haylee G and the Devils in Skirts


One Year Later...

I know, I know, it's been a while. But we've not been sitting on our arses, oh no. We've been recording, gigging, travelling, consuming various substances, members joined and left...

So we'll try to update you quickly on the big things we've been up to:

1. Our best friend and beautiful singer Kaily joined us.

2. Talented guitarist Danny joined for a few months and added some sweet riffs to a few songs (but now he's gone, good luck with shit Danny, it was a pleasure)

3. We've entered a few competitions and had a lot of fun with it (TV appearances incoming)

4. We've recorded THREE new tracks, which will be released in October with any luck alongside another few songs (plus a bonus track!)

5. We've been travelling! Sorry if you missed us in London and Glasgow but we have more dates coming up!

6. Our Second Macmillan Fundraiser was a huge success, so thank you to all the beautiful artists that came along (DisFunkTuneAll, The Victor Pope Band, Lynzie Dray, Jailz, One Oz x Ironmaster, WERD, Madhat, Oddacity, The Abbatoir Blue, Nick Splinter Smith and many more). Even Katy's mum from England came up to support us. Not even a little bit embarrassed.

We're planning something for Halloween, but we don't want to give away too much just yet. Just keep checking Facebook and the website for updates. We promise, it'll be worth the wait!

We might even have a new video to show off soon....


- Haylee G and the Devils in Skirts xxx


18/6/16 St Andrew's Square, The Cowshed AND Henry's Cellar Bar...phew


You know what we said to ourselves when we had the opportunity to do three gigs in one day? I can give you a direct quote straight from Haylee G herself:

"Fuck it, let's do it!"

And we didn't just do it, ladies and gentlemen, oh no. We fucked smashed it. Every hurdle (including crippling hayfever) was overcome and with every performance our confidence (and level of inebriation) increased until our final set at Henry's Cellar with our good friends Clare and Joss of Twisted Fox.

Firstly, all of us (except for Ruari) were a little bit intoxicated on entering Henry's Cellar (not an easy task with those stairs), which is always a sign that we're ready to go. Who's that on the sound desk? It's the very same Jonee Duggan who produced Parallel Universe! So you can imagine our elation when we stepped on stage and FINALLY the sound guy can keep up with us. Jonee, we missed you! Just as we're about to step off stage, we pause for a moment and listen: that an encore? Quick! Play Sweet Dreams. Is can't be...A SECOND ENCORE?! Well, Henry's, you asked for it... We got Big Balls and they're than yous. Larger than most of the guys we ever knew...

In other news, we have some big things planned, some tunes being jammed, setups being finalised, so keep an eye on our Facebook page and of course the website to be kept up to date with all the excited things that we Devils get up to behind the scenes.


- Haylee G and the Devils in Skirts xxx

New Video for Animal OUT NOW

Hell yes!

We've been planning this one for a wee while and finally decided to just go ahead and do it. £50 worth of Buckfast later, this video appeared. It's funny what you don't mind doing when you're a bit wasted.


Thanks to Elephant, Gorilla, Shark and Rooster for playing the band, David for playing the Animal Warden, and Corin for catching some of our misadventures on camera. Also a shout out to Panda for his cameo on the beach.

Finally, we're super grateful to all the members of the public who agreed to take time out of their busy day to make a fool of themselves for the sake of our "art". 

Hope to see you at our next gig!

- Haylee G and the Devils in Skirts xxx

27/5/16 - Henry's Cellar Bar

Such a good fucking night at The Wolf Sessions, guys. Once again, the Devils were on Buckfast (there appears to be a trend here) and there were hijinks. We need to learn to behave ourselves....

That crowd was amazing, and if you were in it, we love you. Thank you! A big shout out to Baz who makes us feel so welcome at his nights. We love performing alongside you. Invite us back?

Once again, we played our album in full (aside from...two songs I think?), jammed Animal a bit and Don't Forget About Me a little bit... All of us were on point. 

Thanks Baz. Aroooooo!!

- Haylee G and the Devils in Skirts xxx

Parallel Universe: Snollygoster

Hey guys!

We decided to let you in on them secrets behind some of the songs from the album (maybe we'll cover all of them. I don't know. We'll see how long it takes before we get bored).

So to start us off, here is Haylee's reasoning behind one of our favourite songs on the band side: Snollygoster. Enjoy...

The world according to Haylee G. We live in a world where, even in such a wealthy country like Scotland, extremes of poverty are the norm, where people die for no reason, where governments lie and steal from their people. Haylee G isn't one to stay silent amidst injustice. This song is a call to arms, to draw attention to the “snollygosters” of Scotland, the UK and the World. It uses a Scottish rhyme, the Jelly Piece Song, which talks about poverty. This is one song we were most excited to play and record. We knew it was going to be good.

- Haylee G and the Devils in Skirts



13/5/16 - The Pond

Ho-ly shit, guys. That was one hell of a gig. It was last minute, so I hope you all made it! If you didn't, we're definitely going back there again! Free drinks for the band? Get in! 

We played the entire Devils side of the album (excluding Shake That. Maybe next time!), and the response was amazing. We sold out of our albums for the night! If you missed out, make sure you email/Facebook us or just get to us earlier! 

We've also been invited to play another two gigs, more details of that to come soon, and I think we have some new fanboys/girls! We need to find a name for you guys. The Devils? (Horns not included)

A huge thank you to everyone at The Pond. We had a great night and we can't wait to come back!

- Haylee G and the Devils in Skirts xxx

Parallel Universe - OUT NOW

Well, guys, the big day is finally here. The mixtape just dropped! Just direct your mouse pointer in this direction...  for a truly life-changing experience.

Okay, well, it changed our lives.

A little. 


The past few weeks of recording and getting two new members of the band up to speed have been exhausting and full of blood, sweat and tears (not to mention calluses), but now that the album is finally released, we're all breathing a sigh of relief. I say that, but we all know that we can't stay away from the bright lights of the stage. 

Keep a close eye on our website and Facebook for upcoming dates. There will be many. We're addicts. We only played on Friday night and we're already suffering withdrawal. Look at me, my hands are shaking!


A huge thank you to Jonathan Duggan, Tru Factz and David Whitmey for their support, advice and production!

- Haylee G and the Devils in Skirts xxx

6/5/16 - The Hip Hop House

After a long, busy couple weeks of recording, we're finally done and it's in the hands of our excellent sound engineer, Jonathan Duggan. So naturally, we decided to let loose a little bit and enjoy ourselves. As always, the atmosphere at the Hip Hop House was amazing, the other acts were incredible, and we fucking rocked it. We played nearly all the songs from the Devils side of the soon-to-be-released mixtape and Haylee G performed a few from her solo side (including the crowd favourites: Big Balls and Doorstep).

The rest of the night was filled with the usual debauchery when the Devils are out on the toon and supplied with copious amounts of Buckfast and less than legal substances. We may not have a record deal yet, but we've got the rockstar lifestyle perfected.

Thanks to Sketchy Beats Cafe for having us, our friends for supporting us, and Buckfast for intoxicating us.

- Haylee G and the Devils in Skirts xxx